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Kitchens (Utility Rooms, Boot Rooms, Home Office, Bedrooms)


Ok, so you've finally got a design and price you're happy with after many weeks/months of trekking round the sheds and showrooms. You're fully on the kitchen circuit treadmill & have  had countless arguments with each other/yourself over the handle/worktop/oven choice and have been close to saying "sod it, let's have a holiday/new car/gazebo with inflatable hot tub instead"....


Now you need  a 'fitter'. 


Then it hits you..... 'I know , I'll get a local company price up the works' and off you head to google to find such companies for your recommended 3 quotes. In you type-

"Kitchen Fitters Lincoln"

-------- 4 million results .......

(of which are several of the sheds/showrooms you've already been to !!)


"Ok we'll come back to that....let's ask people we know for recommendations- as we all know, word of mouth is the only true indicator of a quality trade company."


On to Facebook you thrust your artisan query "Does anybody know etc etc", another 20 or so names come forward  (maybe mine included).


Sound familiar ?


Hopefully if you're reading this, you are so because of a recommendation, if so read on, if not, still read on.





New Kitchens


We fit kitchens from all the main & independent  UK kitchen suppliers. We can handle the process from survey and ordering through to rip out and installation. Either 'supply and fit' or just 'fit' we can tailor the works to suit your requirements. Due to the very specific individual nature of each kitchen we price installation works following a site meeting and a review of the supplier's layout drawing to ensure the correct price for the install.

All attendant trades can be supplied to complete each project as required.


Anyway, enough cheesy sales talk, call me if you need costs for your new kitchen installation. 

Existing Kitchen Makeovers

Here at NV8 we can cater for all levels of kitchen makeover projects. Just new worktops (solid surface, post formed laminate or Real Wood) or a mixture of several required components, we can supply and fit to suit. 



Wragby Kitchen Project
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